Altarum to Attend and Lead Tracks at HL7 FHIR Connectathon


January 14 - January 15, 2023


Henderson, Nevada

Hosted By

Health Level 7 International (HL7)


Altarum’s Craig Newman and Forrest White will participate in HL7 International’s 32nd FHIR Connectathon on January 14-15, 2023.  The Connectathon features hands-on FHIR development and testing, and provides participants with an opportunity to help evolve FHIR specifications and to learn by working directly with other FHIR developers and senior members of the FHIR standards development team. During the Connectathon, implementers and developers come together to hold technical discussions that advance FHIR specifications, develop FHIR-based solutions, and exchange data with other FHIR interfaces.

Altarum’s Craig Newman and Forrest White will both be Track Leads at this year’s Connectathon. Craig will lead the Helios Accelerator Bulk Data Track, and Forrest will lead the Helios FHIR Accelerator Aggregate Data Track. These tracks are working groups that test and improve FHIR specifications, with Track Leads facilitating and setting specific goals for the track to achieve.

Altarum has been helping public health programs integrate data for nearly 20 years. We have hands-on experience developing FHIR solutions and working closely with interoperability standards organizations. Altarum was recently awarded a contract extension by HL7 International to continue providing program leadership of their Helios FHIR Accelerator for Public Health.