Scaling Health Infrastructure

We design and implement solutions to advance the health of individuals with fewer financial resources and those that have been disenfranchised by the health care system. Our work is focused on four impact areas.

Our skilled team of IT professionals enables the health ecosystem to operate at scale and be interoperable across silos and stakeholders by:

  • Developing and implementing IT systems — especially public health IT
  • Modernizing existing systems and processes
  • Developing interoperability standards
  • Building solutions to support other programmatic work

Explore our work in scaling health infrastructure below.

A worker in a lab submits cancer data electronically
Case Study

Enhancing Cancer Surveillance Efforts by Validating Cancer Data Quality

Altarum is improving the speed and accuracy of cancer data submission to enable scientists and public health officials across Michigan to have efficient and prompt access high-quality data.

More Details

Experts meet to collaborate on public health interoperability resources
Case Study

Public Health Interoperability Training Resource Catalog

Together with a group of committed volunteers, Altarum administers a single-source, easily-accessible library of public health interoperability training resources.

More Details