Medicare and Medicaid

Transforming Care Systems

How can we improve health outcomes of individuals enrolled in Medicaid and Medicare while controlling costs? As participation in both programs continues to grow, initiatives to improve enrollee experiences while maximizing care coordination and program efficiencies will be essential.

Altarum helps insurers and providers improve quality of care for patients by optimizing electronic health record technology, integrating evidence-based clinical support tools into workflows, and providing hands-on training and technical assistance. Through these and other evidence-based quality improvement methods, we’re improving coordination of care and management of chronic and complex conditions.

In addition, Altarum Medicare-Medicaid Services for States (AMMS) provides states with exceptional national expertise around dual eligible and long-term services and supports (LTSS) policy and program administration. Our state-specific, data-driven approaches improve outcomes while efficiently managing Medicaid dollars.

Explore our impactful work below.

Our Medicare and Medicaid Expertise in Practice

A Medicaid eligible child receives a Covid-19 vaccine while her mother looks on
Case Study

Supporting Public Health Emergency (PHE) Unwinding in Kentucky

Altarum provides proactive operational planning support to help states prepare for changes in Medicaid operations and avoid any potential gaps in coverage for beneficiaries as the PHE ends.

More Details

FOCUS AREAS: Medicare and Medicaid
Middle-aged mother is pushed in wheelchair by her two daughters.
Case Study

Altarum Medicare-Medicaid Services for States (AMMS)

AMMS helps states create financially sustainable solutions to advance health, health equity, wellness, and independent living for dually eligible individuals.

More Details

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