Altarum Experts to Present at On Aging Conference


March 27 - March 30, 2023


Hyatt Regency Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia

Hosted By

American Society on Aging


Altarum Delivery System Transformation Long-Term Care Senior Analyst Stephen McCall, MPA and Public Health Analyst Morgan Perry, MPH will facilitate a symposium at the On Aging 2023 conference in Atlanta, Georgia on Monday, March 27th at 2:45 pm. The 90-minute symposium, titled “PACE under Pressure: Innovating During the Covid-19 Pandemic,” will detail findings from our AHRQ-funded research exploring how Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) centers weathered the Covid-19 pandemic. Stephen will also join fellow Community Care Corps partners to present at the “Evaluating Community and Economic Impact of Innovative Volunteer Models” poster session on March 29th from 4:30–6:30 pm.

Since 1954, the American Society on Aging (ASA) has united the diverse professionals who work with or on behalf of older adults to enhance their leadership skills, cultivate knowledge, and strengthen skills. The On Aging conference allows experts in the multidisciplinary field of aging to connect with one another and build strategies around the challenges and opportunities an aging population brings.

At the symposium, the Altarum team will present the methodology and outcomes of two projects—survey and interview data collected from PACE directors across the nation, and matched Medicare fee-for-service beneficiary health outcomes from 2019 to 2021. They will facilitate a discussion on the viability of PACE expansion as a solution to maintain quality of life for those who need a nursing home level of care, what lessons or best practices can inform other long-term care providers, and how PACE can address health care workforce shortages.

Altarum’s poster presentation with partners from The Oasis Institute will center on Community Care Corps (C3), which has funded 56 grantees who provide an array of nonmedical volunteer assistance to family caregivers, older adults, and adults with disabilities. C3’s focus on innovative models of care and impact evaluation has allowed two grantees to demonstrate an analysis examining the indirect benefits received by caregivers, as well as the economic impact of nonmedical assistance to care recipients and caregivers.

Altarum works to improve health care services for older adults and people with disabilities by focusing on quality improvement, policy initiatives, and models of reform to ensure that high-quality care and supportive services are available for all who need them. Learn more about our initiatives to shift residential long-term care to a person-centered model and evaluate the PACE model of care.