The Marathon After the Sprint: Ensuring Value & Equity in the Future of Telehealth- Session 1
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many aspects of healthcare, notably the rapid rise of telehealth demand and usage by patients, telehealth provision by providers, and temporary and permanent reimbursement changes. However, the quick switch to telehealth usage has brought up questions on how it will impact the larger healthcare system.
Are telehealth appointments always appropriate, and if not, when should they be used? How do we incentivize high-value care in telehealth and reduce low-value care? How can we ensure equity in telehealth services?
In this two-part webinar, experts will discuss what we've learned from the recent telehealth boon and what we can expect at the state and federal levels, as well as a discussion on ensuring value in telehealth payment and equity in access. The two sessions will be broken down to focus on Equity and Value, respectively.
Speakers for this webinar include:
- Elaine Khoong, MD, MS, assistant Professor of Medicine and general internist at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital
- Lee Taylor-Penn, MPA, MPH, Senior Policy Analyst at Families USA
- Ian Hill, MPA, MSW, Senior Fellow in the Health Policy Center at the Urban Institute, Project Director of the Strong Start for Mothers and Newborns Evaluation, Project Director of the Best Start LA Pilot Community Evaluation