Webinar: How Three States Are Improving Programs for Dually Eligible Individuals


December 05 ( 1:00 PM ) - December 05, 2024 ( 2:00 PM )



Hosted By

Altarum Medicare-Medicaid Services for States

Watch Webinar

Focus Areas

Medicare and Medicaid

States are at different places improving programs for individuals eligible for both Medicare and full Medicaid benefits. Most of these individuals must currently navigate two very complicated programs to access the care and services they need and prefer. 

Join Altarum Medicare-Medicaid Services for States to hear how three states are working to improve access to services, quality of life and outcomes, and efficient use of public dollars to serve this diverse population. Conversations will cover Maine charting a course to improve current programs, Tennessee expanding eligibility and increasing enrollment into its current program designed for this population, and Michigan moving from a demonstration to permanent statewide program.

Introductory Speaker: 

  • Melanie Bella, Executive Advisor, Cressey & Company



  • Sarah Barth, Executive Director, Altarum Medicare-Medicaid Services for States

Altarum Medicare-Medicaid Services for States (AMMS) helps states create financially sustainable solutions to advance health, health equity, wellness, and independent living for dually eligible individuals. Interested in learning more? Please reach out to sarah.barth@altarum.org to schedule a meeting to learn more about our work.

Focus Areas

Medicare and Medicaid