Together for Public Health: Altarum Joins Common Health Coalition

June 28, 2024

We are proud to join health care leaders from across the country as a new member of the Common Health Coalition. As a member of the Coalition, we are making bold commitments to action that will improve the way health care and public health work together, including the development of a new data exchange for improved communication related to multi-drug resistant organism (MDRO) exposure, to supporting HRSA’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) providing workforce training, infrastructure support, and resources to help HRSA and its 20 state grantees achieve their critical goals of building integrated maternal and early childhood comprehensive systems of care.

Together with our aligned missions, we can make a significant impact on the health outcomes of communities nationwide. At POLITICO's annual Health Care Summit, Dr. Dave Chokshi, chair of the Common Health Coalition, discussed the urgent need for the U.S. to forge a more cohesive health system and develop actionable strategies to better support public health nationwide. Read more. 

Altarum’s Chief Program and Strategy Officer, Laura Sankey, expresses our enthusiasm: "We are thrilled to be part of the Common Health Coalition. We have a shared dedication to reimaging health care so that our health care delivery systems work hand in hand with our public health systems."

We're committed to doing our part to ensure that our health system is prepared today to confront the challenges of tomorrow, and we look forward to working with our Coalition partners. 

Learn more about the actions we’re taking to strengthen the partnership between health care and public health, and how to join this effort: