Long-Term Services and Supports
Navigating the Future of Care for Older Adults
How can we provide high-quality care for a growing population of older Americans and people with disabilities? In addition to concerns over increased demand, affordability, caregiver workforce shortages, fragmented services, and a lack of care coordination pose significant challenges. Furthermore, the critical considerations of human dignity and choice emphasize the need to make the residential long-term care sector more person-centered and expand home and community-based services (HCBS) to enable more Americans to age in place.
Altarum offers deep expertise in addressing long-term services and supports (LTSS) challenges. Working with partners around the country, we’re developing tools to help states address direct care workforce shortage and leveraging quality improvement initiatives and hands-on trainings to transform nursing home culture.
Explore our impactful work below.
Our LTSS Expertise in Practice

Improving Resident Lives by Transforming Residential Long-Term Care to a Person-Centered Model
Altarum is working with residential settings in several states to bring person-centeredness into everyday care. Residents, staff, and families all benefit from improved resident quality of life.
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Providing Solutions to Address Grief, Bereavement, and Isolation in Long-Term Care Settings
Learn how our online learning action network (LAN) helps residents and staff in Michigan nursing homes build resiliency while better responding to loneliness and grief.
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The Systems Change Tracking Tool
A Tool to Prioritize and Track Culture Change in Nursing Homes.
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